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Difference between house insurance and landlord house insurance?

We are frequently asked about the difference between house insurance and landlord house insurance. The main distinction is that landlord house insurance protects properties that are rented out to others.

Buying a property and then renting it out to paying tenants is the basic concept of a landlord. A normal home buildings and contents insurance policy will not give you the level of cover you need for a property which is rented out.

However, we can find a landlord insurance policy which is tailored especially for you and your property so that you have the right cover in place.

Why RightSure for Business?

You could benefit from bespoke policies, each of which will protect you and your business in a way you see fit.  Further benefits include:

  • Fill out one simple online form
  • Receive a range of quotes in minutes
  • Compare quotes to find the best deals
  • Relax knowing your business is safe

Landlord House Insurance Quotes

Your landlord house insurance quotes will depend on the level of cover you need. For example, if you own multiple properties, you may need to pay a higher premium to ensure they are all protected.

However, we always strive to provide our customers with affordable landlord house insurance quotes whenever possible.

What sort of cover is included?

Features such as legal cover, home emergency cover, accidental damage and loss of rent are just some of the standard features or optional extras and upgrades which are available when buying landlord’s insurance.

Typically a landlord insurance policy will provide cover against damage to the property by fire, flooding, subsidence and any other calamity you care to mention. Unoccupied cover can also be included on a landlord insurance policy, so if your property is empty you could still be covered.

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